The count of Monte Cristo
St. Petersburg State THeater of Musical Comedy
A Musical in two acts based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas
Music - Frank Wildhorn
Book and Lyrics - Jack Murphy
Director - KERO®
Choreographers and Fight Directors - Rick and Jeff Kuperman
Musical Director and Conductor - Alexey Nefedov
“The excellent choreography, for which the brothers Rick and Jeff Kuperman (USA) are responsible, deserves special attention. The theater’s ballet and ensemble scenes have always been distinguished by high quality performances, but in this case, we can say that the stars came together and the team surpassed itself. [translated from the original Russian]”
“The choreography is magnificent (Rick and Jeff Kuperman): it is expressive, diverse, and thanks to the dance numbers, the emotional degree of what is happening takes off literally to heaven. [translated from the original Russian]”
“The performance, without a doubt, is destined to success thanks to an intelligible and dynamic musical language, breathtaking choreography (Rick and Jeff Kuperman -USA), a beautiful set design (Tamas Rakai - Hungary), costumes (Olga Shaishmelashvili), an extremely clear directorial concept, and performers that are popular with the public. [translated from the original Russian]”