A musical
Book & Lyrics by Jason Craig
Music by Dave Malloy
Directed by Ellie Heyman
Choreographed by Jeff & Rick Kuperman
Produced by Pipeline Theatre Company
“The second moment begins ludicrously — two hefty men appear in tutus (Andre and Ben Langhorst). But they turn out to be two of the three assassins (the third is that count, Yusapoof, portrayed with appropriate villainy by Brian Bock). Incredibly, the three non-dancers in silly costumes turn a mock Russian ballet into something both beautiful and chilling. How they accomplish this is almost as mystical as the sway that the infamous Mad Monk had on the last of the Romanovs.”
“He plots Beardo’s murder with two henchmen (Rolls Andre and Ben Langhorst) in a second act ballet inspired by the black swan sequence of Swan Lake. Yes, it’s as ludicrously funny as it sounds (choreography by Jeff and Rick Kuperman).”